New to Sunday School?
Join us on Sundays (September through May), 9:15-10:15am!

Sunday School is offered for children are are three years old by September 1st (and potty trained) through high school. Several different bible stories and topics will be looked at throughout the year that show the struggles of life due to sin, but also the beautiful story of forgiveness through Jesus dying on the cross for us! Your child will also build relationships with their peers in the classroom and gain a sense of community with children their own age. Offering will also be collected weekly to support an organization either locally or abroad. We thank our Sunday School teachers who are a vital part of making Sunday School happen!
Sunday School Recap
We understand that students will have to miss some weeks of Sunday School. We also know that lessons are most impactful when the conversation continues at home! Each week, a recap of the lesson will be posted right here at the top of the page!
Afraid you’ll forget to look at the recap? Join the “BLC Sunday School” group within the BAND app (this will replace the Remind group from last year). A link to the recap will be posted each Sunday to make it as easy as possible for you to access the information! You can also check the calendar within this group to see what days there are Sunday School (and what days there isn’t). Scan the QR code or visit

Sunday School Offering
This year we have the unique opportunity to adopt a suite at Shelter from the Storm Ministries! Throughout the year, we will collect funds to supply basic household items (bathroom and kitchen supplies, children’s room supplies, etc.) for a new family who will move in sometime early 2025. When we receive word that the new family is moving into the suite, we will not only buy the items, but we will also have the opportunity to go over to SFTSM to do some minor repairs on the suite, stage the room, and pray over it. Not only do we get to serve an organization with the collected funds this year, but we also get to be physically involved as well!
All members are invited to support this year’s Sunday School offering. We are asking for monetary gifts only and are not able to accept previously purchased items. Checks can be made out to Bethlehem Lutheran Church with “Sunday School Offering” in the memo line. Note, this is separate than our regular offerings to SFTSM.
Sunday School Store

It was so successful last year that the Sunday School Store will be opening up again this coming year of Sunday School! Many familiar items will be in the store along with some new ones. Students will have the opportunity to earn OlymBUCKS in their classrooms, for attendance, class participation, and for bringing a friend along. Once they’ve earned OlymBUCKS, they can use them to purchase items in the Sunday School Store.