Our next event is on Tuesday, October 15 6:30-8:30
Join us for ou next MomCo meeting (formally MOPS)! Moms of children in 8th grade and younger are welcome to join us on Tuesday, October 15 6:30-8:30 in the Fellowship Hall. We will have a taco bar supplied by the steering team, learn more about our theme, Wild Hope, and have time for fun and fellowship. Childcare will be provided if requested. For those not on our e-mail list, email mops@bethlehemlc.org if you are interested in joining us.
Dinner and devotions will meet the first Tuesday of every month this fall at 6:30pm at the Panera at East Towne. We’ll continue to
We are also looking for a few more mentor moms to join us for MomCo this year! We love to have more experienced moms come along side us for encouragement and support. If you are interested reach out to Phaedra Serbus or Alyssa Wilson at mops@bethlehemlc.org.