Adult Choir
Mark your calendars! First practice resumes Wednesday, September 11 from 7-8pm. Can’t make the first practice? No worries! Choir practices every Wednesday from 7-8pm in the balcony. We understand life and schedules prevent people from being able to attend every practice or sing at every service, and that’s ok. We’ll gladly take volunteers to practice and sing whenever they can and praise the Lord in song!
Have a busy schedule and can’t commit to choir? Then consider periodically singing a solo, or as part of a duet or quartet; OR consider being a part of our special festival choirs – for Christmas Eve and Easter.

We’re always looking for more individuals willing to share their gift of playing an instrument! We’re very flexible when it comes to how often one may want to play, or small groups vs. soloists. We have something for everyone! Whether you are in high school and looking to get more practice playing to an audience, OR if you’re older and want to dust off your instrument, we’d love to get you involved! Just contact Mallory Lakatos for more info. Examples of how to get involved:
– Piano players: Play a solo or duet during communion or offertory. Accompany instrumental or vocal soloists or groups.
– Brass: We regularly have brass play for festival Sundays and are always looking for more. Also, could play solos, small quartet or quintet, or even duets.
– Wind and stringed instruments: Play a solo or play with small group. ALSO a lot of choir pieces call for flute, violin, or cello – would love to have people willing to play instruments with choir.
Mallory Lakatos is our music director, in charge of both the choir as well as facilitating small groups (vocal and instrumental) for traditional worship services. If you ever have questions about music here at Bethlehem or would like to get more involved, let her know! We hope to utilize your talents this year!

Caring Hearts
Caring Hearts is a group of Bethlehem members who share their time and God-given talents with others. Our group meets bi-monthly on Wednesdays at 6pm and offers the following services:
Visit parents with new babies.
Visit and deliver flowers to the sick and shut-in.
Provide transportation services to and from appointments.
Deliver cookies to shut-ins at Christmas.
Provide gift cards for groceries to those in need.
Send birthday cards to those over 80 years, and to other members as needed
If you know of anyone needing these services contact the church office. Your request will be forwarded to our Caring Hearts coordinators. If you are interested in joining our group, we would love to hear from you—contact the church office today!
Bethlehem Sports
If you’re looking to bond with other Christians, Bethlehem Sun Prairie has some sporting activities you won’t want to miss!
Basketball (Men only)
Men’s basketball runs from January through March, meeting on Monday evenings.
If you are in need of a bit of exercise and fellowship, come and join us for basketball at 7pm. This is a great night to get together with fellow guys and have a good time. No skill set required. No matter who you are or how long it has been since you’ve last played, you are still guaranteed to shoot better than the pastors!
Here is a great way to get to know your fellow members of Bethlehem. Contact us for details!
Adult Volleyball (Men and Women)
Adult volleyball runs from January through March, meeting Friday evenings at 7 p.m.
Our co-ed volleyball group meets Friday nights at 7pm. Again no experience or expertise required. The goal each night is to simply have a good time, make some new friendship, and share plenty of laughs along the way. Bring a friend along if you wish and come out for a good time. Contact us to be added to the email list!

Men’s Fishing Trip
We head Willow Flowage each year for an annual men’s finish trip! We’ll spend the days catching and eating fish, cooking together, and sharing a beverage around the fire while we study God’s Word. We are about 3 ½ hours from Sun Prairie and within cell phone contact. We share tents, but each person should bring air mattresses, sleeping bags, and fishing gear. If you enjoy the fellowship, the wilderness, come and join us!
Friday Night Fish Fry
Friday, May 10 6:00pm
Coachman Inn – Stoughton, WI
Join us for our next Fish Fry for food and fellowship! Sign up at the Purpose Place so we know how many to expect.