Plan now to attend the Fall Retreat on Friday, September 27th and Saturday the 28th at the Radisson Hotel & Conference Center in Fond du Lac. The theme this year is “Treasured” – “The Lord has chosen you to be a people for his treasured possession. Deuteronomy 14:2”. The retreat speaker will be Deb Burma comparing our faith lives to the formation of diamonds. The main servant event is lap blankets for Lutheran Home Residents in Liturgical colors. The Gifts from the Heart will benefit the Hope LC Food Pantry and Charis Pregnancy Counseling service. Items to be brought can be found on the Registration Form which is available on the LWML-SWD web page or on the LWML area in the hallway. The deadline for reservations is Friday, September 13th, 2024.
Zone 16 Gathering
We’ll be at Bethlehem on October 19th, 8:30 am open, 9:00 am program start. In addition to a short meeting, there will be a Bible Study led by Pastor Joel Brandt and our guest speaker will be from the Creation Science Society. A light luncheon will be served. All women of Bethlehem are invited. Any questions, please contact Anneliese Kroll. We hope to see you there.

Women Of Faith
Tuesday, September 24 6:30-8pm
High School Youth Room
Join us as we gather for food and fellowship, as well as a devotion. If you’ve never come before, I invite you to check it out at least once! This gathering time allows for wonderful conversation and support of one another. If you have any questions, contact DCE Jan.