Check out our Current Bible Classes!

Habits of the Household:
A Study for Parents
Wednesdays, October 2 – October 30, 6:30-8:00pm
High School Youth Room
“Parenting happens in habits. We make meals, shuttle our kids to events, answer their questions, discipline them, and do bedtime. But did you know that even these ordinary routines can serve as extraordinary opportunities to live out God’s love in profound ways? In Habits of the Household, you will discover simple practices you can implement around your daily routines and seemingly mundane moments that will lead to a lifetime of growing closer to God—both for you and everyone in your home.”
As your DCE, I don’t have the right to tell you how to parent your children, especially since I don’t have my own. But with a focus on education for the whole family, I would love to walk with you in this 5-week study as we discuss the habits we have as individuals and families, how those are intertwined with our faith, and how our own habits (faith focused and otherwise) can help those who the Lord has entrusted us to care for. Because your pastors and DCE can only do so much with the limited amount of time we see your children at church during the week, we want parents to feel equipped to facilitate faith growth at home.
This study is for those with children, from learning their ABC’s to those with teenagers finalizing college plans, and everyone in between. Sign up at the Purpose Place by Sunday, September 22 to secure your copy of the study book ($5/book; payable to Bethlehem).
To learn more about the contents of this study, visit If you have any questions, see DCE Jan.
Session Titles:
Waking Up to Habits of the Household
Habits for Mealtimes & Family Devotions
Habits for Screentime & Formation
Habits for Using Discipline as Discipleship
Habits to Help You Imagine the Future

The Chosen Bible Study
Thursdays, 9:30am-10:30am
Our Thursday study group begins again after the summer break in the Fellowship Hall. Bring your Bible and join the discussion!
Season four of “The Chosen” delves deeper into the lives of the disciples as they navigate the challenges of spreading the message of Jesus amidst growing opposition. As the movement grows, so does the tension, both within the group and from the external forces that seek to silence them. This season is a powerful exploration of faith, sacrifice, and the transformative impact of Jesus’ teachings on those who follow Him. Whether you’ve been following “The Chosen” from the beginning or are just joining the journey, season four promises to be an experience. Pastor Rod and Pastor Ben will facilitate the discussion of each episode. Most weeks will involve watching about half an episode with a discussion of both the viewed material and the Scripture.

Sneak Peek Bible Study & Social
Mondays, 9:00am-11:00am
We’re getting familiar with the Scriptures for the upcoming Sunday! Our pastors will lead a discussion where we dissect the common themes throughout the readings and look for the personal “sweet spot” that encourages and challenges us. Each Monday we will wrestle with the Scripture together for an hour, from 9:00am to 10:00am in the fellowship hall, and after that all are encouraged to hang around for a time of fellowship. This “social time” after the time together in the Word is also so beneficial. God created us for relationships and this time with coffee and friends is awesome!